CPSOA's Project: Tanzania II

Personal commentaries by students and staff attending the trip as well as updated trip information.

Friday, February 6, 2009

celia's goodbye note to everyone out there

hey hey hey!! Celia here. Students from CPSOA whatever you do, do not make the teachers complain about their kichwas(heads). MARTIN, I know you will miss me being there when you need help in your algebra ,but you still have Jackie. JACKIE, help Martin. I want to thank all the doctors who believed in us and all the parents and students of CPSOA who helped make this possible. Mama, I know I'm your oldest daughter and you count on me a lot; but you still have Belicia and Chris. Everyone, don't miss me too much. You will see me again. There's no need to worry. I will miss you all and I just want to let you know that you all have a place in my heart. Team Tanzania will represent CPSOA thoughout the whole time we're there.




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